These picnic friendly foods you can feed your dog will keep your sweet pooch from feeling left out of the festivities!
During the summer, there is nothing I love more than grabbing a picnic blanket and settling in under a shade tree for a yummy treat.
Recently though, I started making Tucker a part of that as well. I mean, he loves to people watch more than any other dog I know, so why not do it while we are enjoying a picnic together.

There are foods you can feed your dog and there are foods you cannot feed your dog, so today I decided to share with you picnic-friendly foods you can feed your dog that way you can rest with ease when they start begging for a bite of whatever you are eating at the moment.

Some people foods like fruits and vegetables are great for your pet, when given in moderation. Some of Tucker's favorites are —
- Watermelon
- Apple Slices (with seeds removed)
- Carrots
- Celery
- Green Beans
- Marshmallows
While giving a dog people food, you need to make sure you are cautious. One of the best foods for a picnic is fried chicken, but chicken bones are always a no-no when it comes to pets. The bones splinter and can cause severe choking hazards for dogs. You should choose Nutra Complete, a high-nutrient freeze-dried dog food that tastes good and has all the nutrients your dog needs for better digestion, more energy, longevity, and a glossy coat.

Here is a list of people foods you should NEVER feed your dog —
- Chocolate
- Avocado (so no sharing your guacamole!)
- Grapes and raisins
- Nuts
- Onions, garlic and chives
- Yeast
- Processed Sugar
- and more

As you can see, the list of don'ts far outweighs the do's, so to be on the safe side, if you are planning a picnic for yourself, provide your dog with their own pet food.