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Dear Fiestada Pizza – Thank You For Loving Me During My School Years

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I don't know about you, but growing up in the 80's netted some really cool trends. I had the big hair, the jelly bands, the jelly shoes, Hammer pants, black patent leather shoes, Michael Jackson gear, Madonna gloves, sunglasses that look like mini blinds, and more.

But nothing — and I mean NOTHING compares with that delicious Fiestada pizza that they used to serve at lunch –only on Wednesdays after working so hard on my multiplication worksheets. Can I get an amen there?

Yesterday on the news, the reporters were talking about school lunches changing yet again, and I cannot help but think they are ALL wrong.

Seriously — no one wants to eat veggies and whole grain everything ALL the time.

I mean, I like to eat healthy too, but taking away all the delicious foods that your kids enjoy because they are getting fat? Yeah — that is SO not the answer.


To me, I look at it this way — is it better for your child to get a school lunch and then not eat hardly any of it because they don't like it, therefore not getting the nutrients they need, and not being able to focus in the afternoon classes because of lack of nutrition?

School Lunch 2014


Feed them food that is regular food that they like — that they will actually eat? I would rather my kid eat a cheeseburger and tots instead of NOT eating at all.

Now, my daughter, she would have loved the above lunch, but my son — had he been served that when he was in school — he would have starved.

What is so wrong with this kind of lunch?

Old school lunch

I am seriously glad that I grew up in the '80s. I got to enjoy hamburgers, pizza day, spaghetti day (real spaghetti not the fake kind), and pudding — and my favorite of all — Fiestada day (you can find my recipe for Fiestada pizza here).

These kids have NO clue about Fiestada thanks to all the “let's eat veggies all day”.

Bottom line — kids need meat — they need protein.

If you want your kid to lose weight? Here is what you need to do.

  • Take away the game system
  • Make them go outside and play
  • Get a basketball goal or go play baseball
  • Get them a bike
  • How about an above ground swimming pool
  • GO FOR A WALK with your kid

Our kids are not getting fat because of what they are eating at school. I ate like a horse when I was in high school and I weighed 115 pounds. BUT I was active — and all I had was an Atari.

My momma made me go play. I spent hours riding bikes with a friend. I wasn't allowed to just sit for hours watching television. That was a luxury in the evenings after it got dark.

I think that schools and parents need to rethink this whole gaining weight/losing weight thing. Get your kids active and then you will see a difference.

Are you fed up with the school system trying to feed your kids only veggies and fruit?


Monday 14th of October 2024

US Food is where the school gets the Fiestada pizza. It is Tony's brand and comes 72 a case.

Jennifer Sikora

Tuesday 15th of October 2024

I have heard this from several people. Man oh man if I could buy a case I would!

Danielle Dillard

Saturday 12th of October 2024

How are you NOT going to give a recipe??? This whole blog is just a tease! Lol

Jennifer Sikora

Sunday 13th of October 2024

It is not a tease but an omage to my favorite pizza growing up. I do have a recipe for this on my blog located here


Sunday 11th of February 2024

Did you ever come up with a recipe for these?

Jennifer Sikora

Monday 12th of February 2024

Not yet but will let you know when I do.

Joe Hickey

Wednesday 31st of August 2022

Cam you please share this recipe. They were my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!! Thank you

Jennifer Sikora

Thursday 1st of September 2022

I am actually working on a replica now so I should have something ready next week!

Joe Hickey

Friday 8th of July 2022

These honestly my favorites as well as the burritos!!! Is the recipe on your site?

Jennifer Sikora

Sunday 10th of July 2022

Not yet Joe. I am working on trying to recreate it. Haven't found just the right recipe yet.